General information
SEN Support– the process for supporting children and young people with SEN in settings
Education, health and care needs assessments and plans
NHS constitution handbook (your rights and what you can expect from the NHS)
Read more about specific conditions on the NHS Health A-Z
Local authority & health services
Suffolk Health and Wellbeing board.
The Suffolk Local Offer (what’s available locally for children and young people with SEND)
‘Kooth’ – online counselling and emotional wellbeing support service for young people aged 10 – 18yrs in the Waveney area and 11- 25yrs across the rest of Suffolk.
Roles of health professionals. (via the Local Offer)
Family Services Team – the local authority (SEN services and EHC plans)
Online directory of alternative provision in Suffolk (PDF)
Suffolk’s information about preparation for adulthood.
Suffolk’s Preparing for Adulthood guide (PDF)
Integrated Care Boards in Suffolk:
Relevant government guidance
‘Continuing care’ framework for children and young people
Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions
Mental health and behaviour in schools
Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school for health reasons
Tribunals extended powers to make recommendations about health and social care
Other links
Annual Health Checks (PDF) – Easy-Read for the over 14’s with Learning Disabilities
Ask, listen, do‘ – NHS top tips for raising concerns (children and young people with Autism and/or a learning disability)
Council for Disabled Children understanding your rights
Advice and example templates of Individual Healthcare plans
Healthwatch(health and social care consumer champions)
Local Government Association – Integrated commissioning across health and social care
Mencap’ Care, Education & Treatment Reviews’ (PDF) (adults with LD and/or Autism at risk of inpatient admission)
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGO)
Appealing to the SEND Tribunal about an education, health and care plan