SENDIASS is hosting a relaxed online session for families, where a member of the Early Years and Childcare service will explore how young children take in sensory information and relate it to the behaviour which comes out. The session will also explore some simple strategies and resources that can support young children with sensory processing […]
Category: Uncategorised
Language games to play at home
SENDIASS is hosting a relaxed online session for parents and carers of children with speech, language and communication difficulties. Specialist teachers from the Speech, Language and Communication Outreach Service will explore simple ideas for supporting children with these needs to develop their language skills at home. The session will be repeated in the evening too. […]
Send Drop In at Lowestoft Library
Preparing for the Transition to Primary School
Booking is open for our online session Preparing for Transition to Primary School. Parents and carers helped coproduce this session which will be supported by a member of the Early Years and Childcare team. We will explore what kind of information is helpful to find out from and share with school, ideas to help prepare […]
Drafting and Finalising an EHC Plan
Booking is open for our online session for parents and carers Drafting and finalising an EHC plan. We will explore: the final stage of the EHC needs assessment process; naming a school; key sections of an EHCP and what a good plan looks like. This aims to help parents and carers who have just had […]
Send Advice Drop In
SENDIASS will be just one of the services available on the 16th May 2023. […]
EHC Needs Assessment webinar
Booking is open for our popular EHC needs assessment webinar which explains the purpose, threshold and process of an EHC needs assessment and how you and your child are involved. This was coproduced separately with both parents and carers and practitioners and all are welcome to book. Anyone who registers will have access to a […]
Working with Schools
Booking is open for an online interactive session for parents and carers exploring practical and solution focussed approaches for working with schools in discussions around SEND. This is a longer session at the request of parents to allow time for more discussion. Working with Schools 22nd May 10am – 12pm Click here to register […]
Supporting children and young people to manage their emotions
Booking is open for an online session for parents/carers hosted by SENDIASS and delivered by specialist teachers from the Social, Emotional and Mental Health Service. This will explore ways to help children and young people to understand and manage their feelings. Also strategies that schools may use and how they can access advice to enable […]
SEN support in schools
Booking is open for our online session for parents and carers exploring the process of support in schools for pupils with special educational needs and how parents/carers and their children are involved. SEN support in schools Online session 10th May 2023 6pm – 7:30pm Click here to register […]