June 2024
Visit to mainstream high school Years 7-11 – review of co-production completed so far. discussed topics of useful information moving forward.
Visit to alternative provision training provider shared easy read travel and advocacy advocacy leaflets for feedback. Shared Young person’s service video for feedback and discussed topics for next video.
Advisory Body meeting.
Draft information videos for parents on preparation for adulthood and 5 day packages of support shared on Facebook.
Draft easy read information leaflet for young people on “Support across 5 days” shared on Facebook for feedback.
Draft easy read information leaflet for young people on “Care and support needs 18+” shared on Facebook for feedback.
Young person’s service video finalised, published on the website and shared on Facebook.
May 2024
Winner of the character competition announced and shared.
Easy read information leaflet finalised published on website and shared on Facebook.
Visit to mainstream high school Years 7-11, shared young person’s service video for feedback, discussed possible topics for next video. Shared easy read travel information leaflet for feedback.
Visit to FE college SEND group shared Easy read travel leaflet and video for feedback. Discussed topics for next video.
April 2024
Co-production email group created.
Character name competition – youth group – The Mix
Short list of character names created following the competition.
Requests made for amendments to Young persons service video.
Travel information created in easy read format and amendments made.
Preparation for adulthood videos for parents recorded. Sent out to co-production group.
Gathered all feedback for changes/amendments to 5 day provision / leaving school or college draft. Feedback strongly indicated there was too much information, look at dividing information.
Request made for changes and amendments to ‘getting your voice heard’ information following feedback from young people.
March 2024
Launch of character name competition.
Discussed advocacy document with young people – Mainstream SEN youth council, college group at Suffolk Rural, and WS Training.
Discussed draft 5 day provision / leaving school with an EHCP information with Young people – Mainstream SEN youth council, college group at Suffolk Rural, and WS Training.
Begin work on travel information – draft in easy read for young people. Request in young person survey 2023.
Begin work on information about SEN support – getting help in school or college.
listen to young people – ideas on topics of information for videos -Mainstream SEN youth council, college group at Suffolk Rural, and WS Training.
Discuss where on the website to place information on attendance with the Advisory Body. – previous feedback that this could be more prominent.
Share first version of promotion video with young people from Suffolk Rural.
Began creating first draft of next preparing for adulthood video for parents and carers: ‘Ceasing an EHC plan’.
February 2024
Annual Reviews of your Education, Health and Care plan, easy read (PDF) document shared and further amended.
Mainstream high school – SEN Youth Council. Discussion – importance of EHC plans and being involved in Annual Review Process. Looked at the Rewards Framework, Character development and videos.
Information on 5 day provision for young people discussed with Engagement Hub.
Continuing to receive feedback and make amendments to ‘The four pathways to adult life’ video.
Begin creating first draft of next preparing for adulthood video: ‘Five day packages of provision for young people with EHC plans’.
January 2024
Ideas for a story board for a young person’s service video discussed with young people. Feedback received (opens PDF)
Rewards Framework reviewed by young people then published and shared.
Amendments made to pathways to adulthood video for parents and carers following feedback.
Annual review of your Education, Health and Care plan – Easy Read leaflet shared with post 16 college, final amendments made, then published.
Shared information on 5 day provision 16+ with and EHC plan with the Engagement hub for comment.
Looked at character development – sharing emotions- with young people.
Possible topics for development of short videos discussed with young people.
Receiving feedback and making amendments to ‘The four pathways to adult life’ video.
December 2023
Moving into adulthood video shared for comment. Shared on social media and through promotional partners including SPCF.
Easy read annual review information amended.
Rewards Framework document shared with young people.
Began work on creating information for young people on 5 day provision 16+ with an EHC plan.
November 2023
Began work on moving into adulthood videos for parents and carers. These are following key areas raised by young people. First video around the 4 pathways to adulthood for young people with SEND.
Annual review information created in easy read format shared with young people at post 16 college and alternative provision groups. feedback received.
Annual review website information created and shared with young people at post 16 college and alternative provision. Feedback received and amendments made.
Introduction of character for animated videos. Shared with post 16 college and alternative provision for feedback. Feedback from young people on the character. (opens PDF)
October 2023
Offered online and face to face sessions for parents and young people to discuss the development of a training session around moving in to adulthood.
Request from parents and carers to share draft examples of information around supporting families with their child’s preparation for adulthood. Intended for feedback in spring 2024.
Published new web content for young people on annual reviews, shared with contacts and included a feedback button on the page to invite thoughts and feedback on the content.
Annual Review information shared with young people from The Mix and New Skills Centre. feedback received and amendments made.
Introduction of character for animated videos. Shared with young people at New Skills and careers fair event. feedback received.
September 2023
Meet with post 16 college and alternative provision group to discuss information about EHC plan annual reviews for the website and easy read.
Feedback from young people. (opens PDF)
August 2023
Offered online co-production session for young people around annual review information.
Shared annual review information with interested young people.