SEND Support in schools

The SEND Code encourages parents to be equal partners with school in exploring and agreeing a plan of SEND support, centred on the child.

Tell parents when they make special education provision for their child. (SEND Code 6.2)

Use their best endeavours to make sure a child’s SEN needs are met. (SEND Code 6.2)

Make sure children with SEN take part in activities alongside others who don’t have SEN. (SEND Code 6.2)

Publish a SEN Information Report and review it every year.  It must be clear and easy to understand and explain how they assess and support children with SEN & involve parents & pupils. (SEND Code 6.79)                                                    

Take account of their statutory SEN & Equality duties when administering exclusions. (Exclusions Guidance 2017   3:11-12)

Agree with parents and the pupil the assessment of the child’s needs, the plan of support, the expected impact and a date for review.          (SEND Code 6.45 and 6.48)

Meet parents at least 3 times a year re support plan.     (SEND Code 6.65)

Ensure all teachers and support staff who work with the pupil are aware of the child’s needs, the support plan and any teaching approaches which help. (SEND Code 6.49)

Medical conditions and Disability

If a child has a medical condition, it can be helpful to explore and agree an individual healthcare plan with the parents and, where possible, the child and school nurse or medical practitioner. This is different to an EHC Plan.  The Health Conditions in School Alliance has created some condition-specific individual healthcare plan templates which may help your school.

Make arrangements for pupils with medical conditions and must have regard to the relevant statutory guidance. (SEND Code 6.11)

Ensure that arrangements are in place to support pupils with medical conditions. In doing so it should ensure that such children can access and enjoy the same opportunities at school as any other child. (Point 5, page 7 of the Guidance for Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions)

Not discriminate against disabled pupils. (SEND Code pages 16/ 17)

Make reasonable adjustments. (SEND Code pages 16/17)

Publish an accessibility plan which explains how they plan to increase access for disabled pupils to the physical environment, the curriculum and information. (SEND Code page 17)

Note that page 23 of the Medical Guidance for Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions states that it is ‘generally unacceptable to:

  • Require parents to attend school to administer medication or provide medical support to their child, including with toileting issues. No parent should have to give up working because the school is failing to support their child’s medical needs;
  • Prevent children from participating, or create unnecessary barriers to children participating, in any aspect of school life, including school trips, e.g. by requiring parents to accompany the child.’

All tabled references are to the SEND Code of Practice 2015 unless otherwise stated