Practitioner Information Sessions

We can offer free training to practitioners from education, health and social care within our remit of SEND and fostering partnership working.

Due to reduced capacity within the service, we are currently unable to accommodate new requests for delivery of training.

We thank you for your patience and look forward to working with you in the future.

What practitioners have said about our training

‘Thank you for a session full of reflection and ideas for managing meetings with parents.’ (SENCO)

‘Very helpful and appropriate in my context in a special school in understanding parents’ viewpoint/perspective.’ (SENCO)

‘Very informative with practical ideas to implement in my practice.’ (NQT)

‘Thank you for such clear and informative training on such complex issues.’ (Governor)

‘Very informative, well presented and very useful.’ (Governor)

‘Really appreciate your empathetic and non-judgemental approach.’ (Teacher)  

Practitioners are welcome to join our EHC needs assessment webinar and our Annual Reviews webinar.

Regarding our other information sessions for families, practitioners are welcome to watch pre recordings of these sessions which can be found on our SENDIASS YouTube channel

Details of parent/carer webinars here

We offer the following sessions for practitioners only.

Promotional banner for SENDIASS Working with Parents session.

A practical interactive workshop using online whiteboards and scenarios to explore solution focussed strategies for preparing for and managing meetings and conversations with parents and carers.

Contact us if you are interested in this session.  As far as possible, we try and make this bespoke to your needs.

Promotional banner for SENDIASS Governor SEND webinars

Each year we offer two linked webinars explaining governor responsibilities regarding pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.

Attendees can access a range of linked resources.

These webinars are delivered on consecutive evenings on two occasions in the academic year.

Bookings are made via the Governor Hub

Working with our partners

Part of our statutory remit is to work in partnership not only with children, young people and families but also with Clinical Commissioning Groups, the local authority and other relevant partners to increase the understanding and confidence of families and practitioners regarding SEND.

(SEND Code of Practice 2.8)

We support the facilitation of the termly local authority training for multi-agency practitioners around writing Quality Advice for EHCPs and Annual Reviews, bringing in the parent voice and views from our impartial standpoint. Booking for this training is via the local authority CPD online.

We are working with the Engagement Hub to support their work with schools and colleges in empowering children and young people with SEND and helping them to share their views.  We aim to develop our training offer for staff, and also for young people with SEND in schools, and are keen to hear from you.

Contact us

Please contact us if you have a training need you would like to discuss.

View the Suffolk County Council SEND Training brochure