Leaflets and resources

We provide informationadvice and support to parents, carers, children and young people in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disability.

You may find the answer to your questions by looking through the information on our website.

Click on the dropdown tabs below to see our range of downloadable leaflets and resources.

Still have a question? You can contact us for confidential and impartial information, advice and support.

You can also contact us to request printed copies of any of our leaflets or to request our information leaflets in a different format.


Our service leaflets

For parents and carers…

Leaflet  (PDF)                    
Contact card (credit card sized) (PDF)

Frequently asked questions about our SENDIAS service. (PDF)

Impartiality (PDF) Explains what we mean by confidential and impartial advice 

Impartiality postcard (PDF) Quick glance guide

For children and young people…

Leaflet  (PDF)                                  
Postcard style (PDF)

Easy-Read leaflet (PDF)

Easy-Read poster (PDF)

Easy-Read poster (JPEG)

Support to get your voice heard‘ (easy-read information leaflet – explaining the advocacy SENDIASS can provide).

(email us for hard copies of the above service publicity: enquiries@suffolksendiass.co.uk)

Download publicity in other languages explaining ‘What is SEN’:

Short introduction to SEN, helpful for settings and practitioners working with families:

View ‘what is a special need’ fact sheet in English (PDF)

‘What is a special need’ fact sheet in Multiple languages on one page (PDF)

‘What is a special need’ fact sheet Ukrainian version (PDF)

Download individual ‘What is SEN’ and ‘How we can help you’ in each of these languages:

View plain script in English (PDF)

Arabic (PDF)

Bengali (PDF)

Farsi (PDF)

Kurdish (PDF)

Lithuanian (PDF)

Polish (PDF)

Portuguese (PDF)

Romanian (PDF)

Ukrainian (PDF)


Read more about how SEN funding works

SEN Support

Read more about SEN Support

EHC needs assessments and plans

Read more about EHC needs assessments and plans
The Suffolk SEND Strategy highlights the importance of a ‘Person Centred’ approach and we have pulled together some information and guidance around planning for Person Centred Reviews…

Person Centred Reviews

Top Tips (PDF) – for professionals who support children and young people to participate in their Education, Health and Care plan (by the Council for Disabled Children)

Useful links:



Films produced by Independent Support (with input from the Department for Education)

Both films below help explain the EHCP process and the Person Centred Connection.

Watch what is a EHCP and who is it for on 
Council for Disabled Children.

Watch The EHCP and The Person Centred Connection 
Council for Disabled Children.

School exclusion

Read more about School exclusion

Useful links:

You can contact the local authority directly with any questions or concerns relating to exclusions: 

The Suffolk County Council Inclusion Service & how to contact them.

The statutory guidance for schools (including academies) is available on the Department for Education web pages:

Exclusions guidance for schools (Annex C, pages 55-61 is a guide for parents)

Behaviour and discipline guidance for governing bodies

‘Mental health and behaviour in schools’ guidance

There is also some really useful information for parents via Child Law Advice:

School exclusion information from Child Law Advice

Supporting Challenging Behaviour

Just4kids law School exclusions hub (for practitioners supporting families around school exclusion)

Your experiences: SENDIASS journeys

SENDIASS journeys

Short videos of Suffolk parents talking about how SENDIASS helped with concerns and questions around their children’s education.

Michaela’s SENDIASS journey

Caroline’s SENDIASS journey

Natalie’s SENDIASS journey

Caroline’s SENDIASS journey

Mandy’s story (PDF)

Read Mandy’s story, parent to two children with Autism related sensory needs and the family’s journey to discover therapies to help.

Your experiences

Have something to share with other families? Please get in touch we would love to hear from you at

Useful links

YouTube logo

Take a look at our information videos on Youtube

Contact us to request printed copies of any of our leaflets or to request our information leaflets in a different format.

Email: enquiries@suffolksendiass.co.uk or phone: 01473 265210.