A parent or carer can choose to educate their child at home, this is known as ‘Elective Home Education or EHE’.
Deciding to educate your child at home can be a rewarding choice for many parents, but it does require a lot of dedication, hard work and patience.
Schools must not try to persuade parents to educate their child at home by way of avoiding exclusion, or due to poor attendance.
Equally, if you are trying to avoid prosecution for attendance, if your child is refusing to go to school or is at risk of exclusion, electing to home educate is not necessarily the answer.
Take your time to find out as much as you can so you can make an informed choice. The local authority have EHE guidance and information on their website, and the Elective Home Education team at the local authority would be happy to talk to you and provide you with some information before you make a decision.
Watch our video ‘What is Elective Home Education’ (opens YouTube)
The SEND Code of Practice 2015 says:
“Under section 7 of the Education Act 1996, parents have the right to educate children, including children with SEN, at home. Home education must be suitable to the child’s age, ability, aptitude and SEN. Local authorities should work in partnership with, and support parents to ensure that the SEN of these children are met…” (10.30)
COVID-19 – My child seemed calmer learning at home
Whilst anxiety has heightened for many, some parents found their child or young person’s anxiety reduce during periods of lockdown and learning at home seemed to work well for their child.
This is probably because many of the anxieties for children with SEND may be related to an environment, with their learning difficulty, or with the sensory or social difficulties they experience in school. Being at home in their ‘safe space’ has meant they feel more relaxed and families are noticing an improvement in wellbeing and mental health.
Sometimes what feels like a good option right now isn’t necessarily the best in the long-term and you may want to consider what their future aspirations are with learning, getting out to work and living independently for example. ‘Challenging’ experiences can build resilience, though it may not feel particularly positive at the time.
The local authority has no duty to secure the special educational provision outlined in an EHC plan for your child if you have elected to home-educate, provided they are satisfied the arrangements you have made are suitable.
Read more in our dropdowns below about what to consider and, if you decide to home-educate, how to let school and the local authority know.
See also:
Suffolk Local offer information about home-educating
Department for Education Elective home education guidance
Click on each question below to read more information.
What should I consider when deciding whether to home educate?
As you would be assuming responsibility to educate, you must carefully consider whether you are able to provide what your child needs.
Consider also how this decision would change the relationship with your child, and with other children in your home who may be continuing to go to school.
Often parents choose this option because their child is struggling to cope in their school environment, are anxious, perhaps have sensory needs, or are at risk of exclusion.
Don’t make any hasty decisions though, particularly if you are viewing this as a short-term option. Children can quickly get comfortable in the home routine and may find it difficult to get back into any school environment in the future.
Can the local authority provide support for my child if I choose to home-educate?
The SEND Code of Practice 2015 says:
…The high needs block of the Dedicated Schools Grant is intended to fund provision for all relevant children and young people in the authority’s area, including home-educated children. Local authorities should fund the SEN needs of home-educated children where it is appropriate to do so. (10.30)
Read more about the ‘high needs funding’
If you believe your child should be receiving additional support from high needs funding you should contact the local authority.
Where there is an EHC plan
The Local Authority (LA) has no duty to provide education (or secure special educational provision outlined in an EHC plan) for your child if you have elected to home-educate, provided they are satisfied the arrangements you have made are suitable. Where there is an EHC plan the local authority still have responsibility for maintaining it, e.g. carrying out Annual Reviews.
The commissioning body are still responsible for any health care provision detailed in an EHC plan, for example speech and language therapy, though you can make your own alternative arrangements for health provision too.
School is not going well for my child, what other options do I have?
Consider whether there any changes/adjustments that can be made in school that might make a difference. Meet with school to discuss ideas and agree next steps, you can ask school if they would consider a referral to a specialist service for advice.
- Specialist support for schools (Suffolk County Council support services for pupils with SEND)
- Health services, including community paediatrics, CAMHS (mental health) and specialist health services like speech & language/occupational therapist.
The Local Offer is where you can find out about the range of support and services for children and young people with additional needs.
Children that are unfit medically to attend school, either full or part-time may be offered home tuition.
You could consider requesting an EHC needs assessment for your child.
Related information
Supporting challenging behaviour
With an EHC plan
If your child already has an EHC plan and they are either not attending or at risk of not attending (perhaps at risk of exclusion or refusing to go/anxious), you should request the local authority carry out an early Annual Review. This will enable you to discuss that the school place is at risk of breaking down and talk through options.
If you are starting to question whether your child’s needs can be met in a mainstream school, it might be that you want to explore specialist schools and this review provides the opportunity to share your views.
You could consider requesting the ‘education otherwise’ option. Within this it might be possible to evidence that, due to your child’s current needs, this can only be delivered at home. Though the local authority must be satisfied it would be inappropriate for the provision to be made in a school, it might be appropriate for them to continue to have a duty to secure special educational provision in these circumstances. Section 61 of the Children & Families Act is where you will find the relevant duty.
How do I elect to home educate?
You should write to the school your child currently attends. If your child attends a mainstream school they will be removed from the register and they must inform the local authority, who will contact you to check you have made plans and provide some information to get you started.
If your child has not yet started school you do not have to tell anyone, but the local authority ask that you let them know.
If your child is currently attending a special school, you will need to get permission from the local authority before they can be removed from the school register.
There are many websites offering information and advice, and you may be able to find a local support group of other parents making the same choice.
Read the local authority information about electing to home educate
Department for Education ‘Elective home-education – guidance for parents”
Choosing a school for a child with SEND
Download ‘Choosing a school for a child with SEND’ leaflet