Pupil Premium
The aim of the Pupil Premium Grant is to raise the attainment of disadvantaged children between Reception and year 11.
It is based on a funding formula which includes eligibility for free school meals.
It is approximately £1320 for pupils in Reception to year 6 and £935 for secondary school pupils in years 7 – 11.
Pupil Premium Plus
This is for pupils who are currently Looked After or have been previously looked after by the Local Authority for at least 1 day.
Pupils receive either the Pupil Premium or the Pupil Premium Plus, not both.
Pupil Premium Plus is higher to recognise the extra challenges faced by children who are, or have been, looked after. It is approximately £2,300 in primary and secondary school, between years Reception to year 11.
Like Pupil Premium it aims to help pupils make progress but its focus is improving social and emotional well-being.
For pupils currently in care, the Pupil Premium Plus is managed by the county Virtual School Head. For pupils who have moved from care into adoption, Special Guardianship Orders or Child Arrangements Orders or a residence order, the funding goes directly to schools.
Neither the Pupil Premium nor the Pupil Premium Plus are ring-fenced to individual children, but schools need to be able to demonstrate to parents how the funding is being used to support their child. For Pupil Premium Plus, this means showing how it is helping the child on a social and emotional level.
Service children
Pupils in year groups reception to year 11 recorded as a service child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence are eligible for a Pupil Premium grant of £300.