Person-centred planning

If children and young people are to achieve their best, we must put their voice at the centre of any planning.

Children and young people with SEND often find it difficult to express their views and it can be helpful to think about alternatives ways they can do this. 

Below are some links to information and resources which families we’ve worked with have found helpful:

Our service for children and young people

We offer advice and support to young people directly and can help them work out what they would like to say and explore alternative methods for doing this with them:

Service leaflet for young people (PDF)

Service postcard for children and young people (PDF)

Easy read service leaflet for young people (PDF)

Person-Centred Reviews

The Council for Disabled Children have some information about:

Useful links

Psychology and Therapeutic Service YouTube channel

The  Suffolk Preparing for Adulthood Guide  (PDF) for information about transition planning from year 9.

POhWER (Suffolk Advocacy Service)

The SEND YP Network in Suffolk (Young people with SEND helping to shape services in Suffolk) (Social enterprise working to create person-centred change) (Equality for young people with SEND as they move into adulthood)

Preparing for adulthood – our information, advice and further links